Mommas boy


So I’m in a bit of a dilemma, I’m currently 33+3wks pregnant. This is my second child and my boyfriends first his relationship with his mother is okay I guess I perceive her to be one of those “ I wanna stay young forever mothers.”Long story short he thought that she would be way more excited than what she is... I personally think that she has detachment issues (we currently rent from her so she’s our landlord) her idea btw) but each and every time I bring something to his attention he speaks about being the middle man. I’m frustrated at this point because even when his mom is wrong he continues to run to her rescue, she’s very mixy and plays both sides... what should I do b/c at this point it could be the hormones but I’m slowly preparing myself to leave.... it seems like he can’t step up and it’s a turn off 🤦🏾‍♀️... any advice on how to proceed.