Miscarriage and boyfriend ..


Me and my bf of 5 years have a son who is 14 months old but we have been having trouble trying to conceive a 2nd child .

we conceived in September and lost that baby and keep having consecutive losses ever since .. Now 3 miscarriages our first baby was lost in September then the 2nd baby in October now the 3rd I just recently had loss on New Year’s <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> 💔😥 (after the 1st loss we decided to stop trying but we fell pregnant both times without trying ) I never got to fully heal from any of them ...

We now have an appointment with a fertility specialist next month

Now ever since my bleeding has stopped I’ve been wanting to be intimate we have only been intimate 1 times in around 2-3 weeks which is not normal for us . He wasn’t really supportive during the 2nd and 3rd loss he kinda didnt even care that I was in pain it’s like I have miscarriages so much I should be used to it or something he thinks but i never talk to him about the losses or anything because He doesn’t see them as being babies yet so I feel like I’ve been going through it completely alone sometime i just cry when he goes to sleep at night because I’m not sure why he’s distancing himself from me emotionally and physically . I’ve distanced myself from him because I just feel like I can’t talk to him about certain things he’s stubborn and doesn’t understand . Also I’m not sure why he doesn’t want to have sex maybe she’s afraid of another unexpected loss .😥💔