When and how to tell family??? Advice please!



I need advice but here is a little backstory...

My husband and I got a BFP this week on a home test (I’m about 4and5 based on my LMP) and we are waiting for bloodwork to come back this week to confirm. We are super nervous and haven’t been able to really be excited has we’ve had 2 early MCs this year.

Both MCs I’ve shared with my sister, close friends and my parents to help support me; but my husband processes loss differently and never shared with his parents (who live out of state) and they don’t know we are even trying yet let alone about our losses. We’ve kept this from them as we don’t want the constant questioning and pressure.

So we are visiting them in 2 weeks and planned on telling them about both losses this year and actually tell them we are trying. But now being pregnant again I feel like we should share the good news with them even though we wouldn’t normally want to share this early on with our history. I’m just afraid of getting their hopes up before they know about our history. But I also know I can’t live with them for 5 days and hide it.

If all goes well, and I’m still pregnant when we go visit; should I do a cute announcement with them? And then share the history? I’ve had a cute announcement planned for my parents when we are ready to tell them and I wouldn’t want to not do something fun with his parents too.

Any advice from those who have announced their rainbows? How long did you wait to tell close family? How did you tell them? Any advice or suggestions are welcome.


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I know this seems very late but after two previous losses I won’t be telling anyone at all (except partner) until 16-20 weeks 🤷‍♀️I feel like I’d prefer to just share the good news and as I know my family have a hard time keeping things to themselves it will be all over town the day I tell them 😊


🖤💙 • Jan 21, 2019
Early symptoms also equal PMS, you’re about to start your period 😉


Elizabeth • Jan 20, 2019
If you WANT to tell them, then by all means its your pregnancy and your choice nobody can tell you what to do. That would just be my choice if I were in that situation.


Elizabeth • Jan 20, 2019
Tell them you ate something bad or have the flu. Tell them you started feeling ill on the way there that gives you the full 5 days to be "ill".