Boy symptoms

Hi all! I had two girls then a boy! I am currently pregnant with number 4 due September (currently 7 weeks). After my boy I had a miscarriage at 17 weeks with a boy confirmed through blood test. I currently feel so guilty because after the loss I was just hoping for a healthy baby which is my main concern but secretly hoping for another boy for my son. I felt like my girl pregnancies were similar in a lot of morning sickness, bad skin, sweet cravings, moody. And with the boys I felt more upbeat, great skin, no nausea just aversions, salty salty sour cravings and honestly I really wasn’t tired. I know every pregnancy is different however now, I have extreme morning sickness, I cry a lot, my skin And nails are looking great, and my boobs don’t hurt.. also craving salty and sweet at the same time 🤦🏼‍♀️ I can’t quite put my finger on this one more leaning towards girl for some reason. I just feel so guilty for wanting a boy but that’s how I feel. Tell me your pregnancy symptoms/similarities/boy vs girl!! Thanks!