Advice on 3 kids please!


Any advice on having 3 kids close in age, good or bad experiences? I just recently read an article that having 3 kids is the hardest and it keeps getting in my head. I have a 2 year old boy, 1 year old girl and I'm due for my third in may (at that point my son will be 2 and a half and my daughter just about 1 and a half). Both children I've had preeclampsia (have been induced early 34 and 36 weeks) and starting to look that way for this one. I'm so exhausted, swollen, and stressed. I'm in school full time and when I'm not I'm home full time with the kids. I feel like I cant get a break and have no idea how I'm going to be home with 3 for 4 months before being in school full time again. Please any positive words, funny stories anything :) my two little ones for attention