My heart stopped for a second..


I’m pregnant and already exhausted over the simplest tasks, but today I told a friend I would wake up around 5 am to watch her 3 month old so she could go to work.

For it being so early, he was Pretty awake.

And any inconvenience was a cause for screams of terror.

But was not terrible, because within an hour or so he started falling asleep.

While he’s sleeping at my side and I’m somewhat cuddling him/holding him, I’m just scrolling through my social media trying to entertain myself.

And I guess I looked down just enough for my glasses to fall flat off my face, straight onto baby.

I thought for sure, screams of terror.

If I was tired and something fell on me, I would probably start my very own screams of terror.

But, by the grace of God, his eyes opened ever so slightly, and he went straight back to sleep