Could I get some Advice, please?

This may be a little long.

My Son is 6 and in Kindergarten.

Lately, When I ask him to do something, He will just stand there and stare. Or when I ask him something, he’ll do the same and not respond.

Example: This morning I went to get him ready for school. I helped him pick his clothes and told him to get ready. He just sat there, said nothing. And stared at me. I asked him why he’s not getting ready. Again same thing... It was like I was talking to a wall. After awhile of trying to get him to get dressed and trying to talk to him, I just put his clothes on for him cuz he was gonna miss the bus if I didn’t. Then once we get outside to go to the bus he’s fine and talks to the kids at his bus stop.

Around bed time, he basically the same thing.

He’s been doing this for a week or so now.

Every morning/night is a struggle with him just randomly shutting down like that. Occasionally during the day he’s done it but it’s mostly at night/the mornings when there is school.

He’s also told me when I say it’s time for bed or in the mornings say he has school that he’s scared and when I ask why he will either say nothing or just say “because”

After school, he normally says he had a good day.

I’ve tried sitting down and talking with him but he doesn’t really say anything and he gets distracted and talks about completely different things that pop into his head.

He’s on an IEP in school.

Also, in the process of testing for ASD/ADHD.

But, I’m really unsure of what to do about the not listening. It’s an everyday thing lately. 😔😔