Husband refuses to help me out with baby

I'm not sure where to start, but I am just at a loss when it comes to this topic. I feel like I'm beginning to hate my husband.

He just refuses to help with our daughter. He has given her a total of one (yes, ONE) bath since she was born 6 months ago. He ignores me if I ask him to change her diaper. If I plop her down in his lap with a loaded diaper and leave the room for 30 minutes, I'll come back to a still-loaded diaper and a crying baby. If she's crying for attention, he'll just let her cry and occasionally yell at her from across the couch, or yell for me to grab her and play with her.

Whenever I get upset about it, he just tells me I should feel lucky that I get to stay at home all day while he goes to work. If I ever vent my frustrations about our daughter (i.e. annoyed at her fighting sleep; being clingy; being fussy) he just yells at me and tells me that I better get used to it because I'm the one that has to deal with it.

And just yesterday he threw a huge temper tantrum because I wanted to pee before he got in the shower.

I don't know what to do at this point. He always tells me to let him know if he can help out more, but absolutely refuses to do anything with her. I feel so broken down and I feel like I've fallen put of love with the man that helped me make this little girl.