Please don’t judge but advise.

I have a wonderful 7 almost 8 year old son, and I don’t know how to connect with him anymore. Like get interested in his stuff, and basically enjoy his time. I have depression especially since my daughter come last year, I don’t want to go to the doctors and ask for help yet, but it’s looking like I’ll have to soon. I try my hardest but just don’t know what to do.. I also never was loved or paid any attention to when I was growing up, I was physical and emotionally abused when I was growing up. My mom used to play punch for a punch, meaning she would hit me as hard as she could and I would have to punch back and not cry because if I did cry and/or didn’t hit back, she would hit me harder, and beat with a belt until I couldn’t sit. I would always get sorry gift, to buy my love. Anyways enough about my past, since I never got that time or care I needed, I’m unsure of what to do to feel like he is loved more. He hasn’t said anything but I feel like I’m not showing him enough attention and what not, witch is making my depression worse. Anyways sorry for the long post, any advice would be appreciated.