Mastitis and cephalexin

So on 1/21 I had a clogged duct and couldn’t get it out no matter what I did. On 1/22, I started getting a fever along with the aches, chills, and all around cruddy feeling. My fever went up to 103 in the afternoon, but of course, it was after hours at this point. The on call NP told me I’d have to go to urgent care if I wanted an Rx due to how high my fever was. They prescribed 500mg of cephalexin 3 times a day for 10 days. The thing is, I’ve noticed my supply has dropped since going on the antibiotics. I was able to finally work out the clog and I have no symptoms remaining. Do you think I’m ok to stop the meds and work on getting my supply back up? Or do I have to finish them? I really don’t want to have to supplement with formula if I don’t have to.