First IUI - HELP


I have PCOS and metformin alone wasn’t working so they added clomid which those alone also weren’t working so decided on an

<a href="">IUI</a>

(intrauterine insemination). I had this procedure done on January 14 and I was told by the provider not to test until at least the 28th. Since this is my first

<a href="">IUI</a>

and nobody I know has ever had this before, I don’t know what signs and symptoms to be looking for. Obviously if it did work I would still be super early. Random things I have noticed the past few days is nausea, occasional dizziness, breast tenderness/itchiness, cramping in my pelvic area, mood swings (according to my husband. I think it’s just because I’m tired) and fatigue. I can’t tell if it’s my body trying get me to have a period or if it’s something else... any words of wisdom and insight would be greatly appreciated!