Wrong gender dream

So i got a genetics test done at 15 weeks, had them call my friend and leave a voicemail so that we could do a gender reveal, well she sent me the voicemail afterwords and the woman on the phone took forever to find the result... after about a minute of saying “ummm hold on... just one second “ she said i was having a boy, everyone was teasing me saying she probably read the wrong result (like it could have been someone elses)

Im 20 weeks now and days away from my anatomy scan, i had this vivid dream where i went to my appointment and they apologized to me saying that they had miss read the results and then told me im having a girl, then they took me into the ultrasound room and confirmed that it was a girl...

Guys is it just me or had this happened to anyone else?

Have you ever dreamed of the opposite gender after being told?