Fainting while pregnant...may be a little long


20 weeks 1 day today. Slept in a little later than usual but nothing crazy, maybe 45 minutes or so as our two year old had a cold and had been up off and on all night.

Came downstairs to make us breakfast and started getting hot, dizzy, having vision issues like crazy floaters. It’s happened to me before so I try to drink some water or OJ and sit down. But today it hit way too fast and before I knew it everything went black. My hubby wasn’t home, luckily my two year old in her high chair so she was safe. I was leaning on the island trying to make it to the table or couch to sit down when again it all went black and I fell down. But then it got scary because I felt ok enough to stand up but everything was still black. I couldn’t see anything. Finally made it to sit at the kitchen table and it happened again. I went down again right in front of my two year old. I feel so bad for her because I can’t imagine how scary it was for her. She kept saying “you ok momma?”

I stripped most of my clothing off because I was sweating like crazy, chugged OJ & water and stopped cooking the eggs I was making and had a bowl of cereal instead.

No bleeding, no cramping, lucky I didn’t hit my head or anything else too hard so no physical injuries. Doc said it’s a drop in BP as I hadn’t eaten. But this scares me as I was cooking breakfast and had only been up for maybe 10 minutes. What if I was driving, holding my 2 year old etc. I will make an effort to get a glass of OJ and something in me ASAP when I wake up but has anyone else dealt with this. Like I mentioned above I’ve felt it coming on before but have never fully fainted/blacked out.

I am being monitored for preeclampsia (had it with my first) and a low lying placenta so I’m just concerned those could be the underlying causes (not a doctor or nurse so I could be completely wrong). My preeclampsia went undetected until my 38 week appt and they sent me straight to labor and delivery to be induced