Just venting.
I'm a stay at home mom of two girls. (2 and 6) and also 27 weeks pregnant.
My 6 year old goes to school during the day, so I drop her off and pick her up. Most of the time I spend my days at home with my two year old unless we have errands to run. (Which usually ends up a total shit show)
My husband works (he does shift work so his schedule is always changing) and I understand when he has a day off, he should be able to relax/do something for himself.
But what about my day off? I don't get one. His days off are not my days off. Weekends are not my days off. My "off time" is naptime or after the girls go to bed. And I usually spend that time cleaning up.
Today my daughter doesnt have school due to the extreme cold (it's -14, not including the windchill) so I have both girls at home. It's my husband's day off.
At 930 am he says, "I think I'm gonna head into town and run some errands."
What? It's freezing. We just went grocery shopping two days ago. We don't NEED anything.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna stop at the spring since we need water" (our water is bad where we live) "and then I wanna go look at trucks and get a preworkout"
So I'm here. Cooped up with my girls, like I have been. all. freaking. winter. While he gets free time.
It just drives me crazy that he gets to go do whatever he wants and not have to worry about who is going to watch the kids. Even a 10 minute drive into town alone is like a vacation.
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.