Looking for advice

My boyfriend is “back on his bullshit” I guess as in he’s working really late now to earn extra money and now I never talk to him. In my area, there’s a travel ban because of the snow. So, I haven’t seen him since last Saturday and I haven’t had a whole conversation with him since maybe Monday or Tuesday. This is why I broke up with my ex. Well actually it was more like he was falling off and we weren’t talking so I just told him I was single. I can’t stop him from earning money but I also miss him a lot and I can’t deal if we can’t talk anymore. It’s almost like I don’t even want to talk to him rn because I’m so pissed off about it. Not really sure what to do. Has anybody broke up with their SO because they weren’t seeing each other? It’s only been a week and I know I’m being kinda irrational but I’m bored and i miss him a lot. I feel like I should’ve at least gotten a warning. Idk. Thoughts?

Edit: if it was a “traditional job” and he wasn’t working as often then it’d be fine. But he’s literally out from the time I wake up to well after I go to bed. I’m just starting to get frustrated. And it’s not about him “entertaining” me, he’s not a clown or whatever. I have stuff to do and I know it’s kinda demanding what he’s doing. But I am being selfish I know that. I don’t know how to start the conversation either. And I don’t know if I want to ask/bring it up because I feel like I’m just creating issues where there are none. So I guess my real question is: is it worth talking about? Or am I just being a brat