Skyla IUD Removal


I had my Skyla IUD removed 01/08/19. My cycle never went away when I had the IUD and my doctor said there was a probability that I could conceive that month! I started ovulating on 01/11/19 and my husband and I did some baby making! My period was suppose to start 01/27/19 but I completely skipped it! I’ve taken 3 pregnancy test and all have come back negative. I’m bloated, tired, and my breasts are super tender! I did have bleeding/spotting for a week after my IUD was removed. I’ve never missed a period in my life, I am very regular, even with the IUD! I’ve read that some women who had the IUD only showed positive during a blood test? Any advice or someone who has/is going through the same thing? Everything I can find online is specific to the Mirena IUD but all thoughts are welcome! I’m freaking out a little bit!!