How to breakup?

I need to breakup with my boyfriend due to the fact I’ve fallen out of love. I still love him, but it’s just best if we go our own seperate ways from now on (long distance amongst other things).

Every time I try to bring it up and talk about our situation sensibly, he shuts it down and gets angry making it difficult for me to convey how I really feel.

So I wrote a letter, telling him everything that I need to say to him. I thought that if I wrote it in a letter he wouldn’t be able to interrupt me like he does when I’m speaking.

I fly home next week. 15,000kms away from him and I’m thinking about how I should do it.

Should we have a discussion (not easy)

Do I leave the letter on his bed so he finds it straight away after coming home from the airport?

Or do I hide the letter and tell him where it is when I get home.

It’ll be around 48 hours with no contact due to me being in the airplane so I thought if he read the letter right as he arrived home, he wouldn’t be able to contact me for 48 hours and this would be frustrating.

I hope you all understand that I have my reasons to end this relationship but I just need some outside help

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