Feeling frustrated


So it’s been a rocky road for my SO and me.

We both have children from previous relationships we have been together for all most two years now.

I kinda what another child. But he doesn’t.

I have a few health issues which most likely will make it hard for me to become pregnant. Not fully confirmed by dr but every issue I have reduces my risk of becoming pregnant. Well tonight we went out had a few drinks. Not drunk.

We had sex and he came in me awhile pulling out. Due to the position we were in made it hard for him to pull out before cumming. There is less then 20% chance I could end up knocked up. I’m the type of it’s meant to be it happens not matter what even if you use every to protect yourself. Anyways. He kinda freaked out. And I was trying to calm him down. And I asked him if it did happen would it truly be the end of the world. And he said yes no offense to me but it would be the end of the world for him. I’m not really sure how to take it. It wasn’t on purpose that it happen. We were just in the moment. If I do even up being knocked up it would be alright I can take care of it it wouldn’t be the end of the world to me. But I don’t want to put that burden on him. I doubt I’m knocked up. But for some one to tell you they love you knowing that sex can lead into having a child to tell me it would be the end of the world for them. Not sure how to take that sorry y’all really needed to vent and I know it’s long.