Pissed at him

(I am fully prepared to get hate for this but just read the whole thing)

So my boyfriend and I have been having little arguments for over a week now. And it brought up some shit from the beginning of our almost three year relationship. So I've been stewing a little bit trying to not let it get to me. It's the past you know? Anyway so I'm already in a shit mood today and I go on Instagram and I get this bug up my ass to see who all he's following and I see this photography page so I give them a follow and they accept. Then I see a handful of pictures of girls in bras and lacy shit, boobs hanging out, etc. Which is fine! Just not for him to look at. He knows that bothers me. It's an agreement we have that he won't look at shit like that. Now I get there's other pictures on there that aren't like that but there's a lot that are. In the past he's followed pornstars(again an agreement we had because I don't like that) and flirting with his friends that are girls (he no longer does and isn't friends with them anymore) and he's tried to blame it on his past relationships which was an open marriage.

Ok. Well that happened our first year and he knew from before we started dating I am very against that in my relationship. If others want to more power to them but I don't do that. So that really pissed me off and hurt that he tried to use that as an excuse to flirt with girls. I've had a lot of shit relationships where I've been cheated on and lied to. So I realize some things are just my insecurities and I try not to let them take over. But like I said we have certain agreements and he has broken every one of them. So this whole thing has me super pissed. And now he's digging himself a hole by lying about when he unfollowed the page. Because like I said I saw it in who he was following and I like photography so I was like cool! And now after I sent message asking why he was following that its suddenly gone. And he's saying he did before I saw that page. Um. Ok then I'm a liar? I found it through your page but nice try 🙄