tips to conceive after mc and with pcos


I’m new to this app kinda.. I just realized I had this app over 2 years ago when I was pregnant with my son. I was on here for a totally different reason. After my son was born in late April of 2017 things were great.. I married his father, my long term boyfriend since middle school, we got a nice place, paid off our cars, and we were happy. Fast forward to June 2018. I got a positive pregnancy test! I was so happy! I love being a mom. Well, I moved so I couldn’t get an appointment for another 4 weeks. Then I noticed something was off. I was cramping and I kept testing.. I noticed the line getting fainter and fainter.. every single time i tested. I finally got in to the doctors after begging them to help me and I will never forget when the dr looked at me and said “I’m sorry mrs. Bailey you are no longer pregnant with a healthy baby..”. We weren’t necessarily trying but weren’t preventing either, It hurt nonetheless. Now ever since we have been trying like crazy with no such luck. I do suffer from PCOS. do you any of you other ladies have ANY tips? I’m heartbroken and just so frustrated that my body isn’t allowing me to mother more babies..