I need help please


We’ve been together for 3.5 years, and honestly he’s always been like this but it’s getting worse, and I need help.

We have a 4month old daugther, that he doesnt look after. He gave her a bath only 2times in those 4months, doesn’t do diapers, doesn’t want to feed her.

He doesn’t work, he’s 23 and in those 3.5 years we’ve been together he worked for 9months. He always comes up with lame ass excuses, and doesn’t do nothing around the house. I’ve been back to work for 4weeks now, and he expects me to come home, wash, iron, clean, cook, and clean his mess up, while taking care of our daughter, while he’s home all day doing nothing. I honeslty have had enough. I asked him yesterday if he could please help me around the house, help me with the washing or ironing, or maybe vacuum, he got so angry and told me he won’t do it because i always did it (I did, but we lived with our parents, and had no baby, and i had no full time job, I simply can’t do it anymore) and that I should find me a guy who will do it. He never goes to the store to buy food, never goes to pick her up from daycare, he only goed out with his friends and that’s all he does. (Friends who I have never met in those 3.5 years)

He doesn’t give a shit about me, calls me names all the time, says he hates me and has hit me a few times, grabbed me by my neck and kicked me.

We live in the house of my grandparents, they live next door, and he has told me multiple times he will push my grandmother off the stairs, because he hates her so bad. his parents both moved to smaller houses so he can’t go there. And I can’t just grab his stuff and put it outside right?

I am honeslty so ready to leave, but don’t know how. He isn’t capable of taking care of our daughter, and don’t get me wrong, I want her to have a bond with her father, but he just isn’t capable of taking care of her for a week straight, let alone a day.

He isn’t responsible at all, goes out all weekend and doesn’t come home.

I live in Belgium, what are my rights as a mother? Can i just leave with my daughter and go visit him couple times a week so that he sees her aswell?

We haven’t been intimate in a long time, but last night I woke up while we were having sex, I was asleep?? Is that rape?

I’m sorry to bother you with all this, but I can’t deal with this anymore.