Stories of mildly medicated birth? Comparisons?


Hi! I’m a FTM and everything is so new, overwhelming, and a bit scary at times!

I’m definitely a planner and researcher so I am trying to stay on top of recommended checklists and time frames. I have just begun researching various birthing and laboring options as I try and assemble a rough draft of a birth plan. I’m 18weeks and my dr. Recommended that I start asking questions, talking to family and friends, and coming up with a clear picture of how I want my birth to go.

Obviously I know it’s not certain everything will go according to plan but want to be as prepared as possible.

My sister-in-law has a completely natural birth and my cousin had a full on “all pain measures taken” birth 😂 They obviously recommend completely different ends of the spectrum, but I may be wanting to fall somewhere in between.

I wanted to hear from mommas who have done a medicated birth, without an epidural and moved around during labor. I don’t like the feeling of being restricted and I am worried I will have a panic attack if I get an epidural. My hospital has laboring tubs (not water births) and I am feeling like this could be a valid option.

Any stories on this type of birthing experience? What medications were you offered, how did it go, can you compare it to another birthing experience?

Thank you so much!