Extreme flatulence in my 3 week old


My baby is currently 3 weeks old, and for the last two weeks he has been extremely gassy, and it seems to be getting worse.

He’s exclusively breastfed and feeds on one breast per feed from 20-40 mins. Sometimes he can feed every hour, sometimes he can go three hours between a feed.

He must trump between 4-10 times an hour and I have to apologise to everyone because they are so loud! I burp him after each feed, I’ve tried eliminating certain foods and drinks from my diet, but he’s still so gassy. I’ve tried infacol and that doesn’t work either.

It’s gotten worse because sometimes he will strain so badly that he turns red and acts erratic, and sometimes he will cry in pain. At that point I will stroke downward on his tummy for 15 seconds, hold his legs to his tummy for 15 seconds, do clockwork motions with my hands on his tummy for 15 seconds, and then bicycle legs for 15 seconds but this only works occasionally to relieve his gas pains and help him trump.

We see the midwife in a couple of days but I just wondered if there is anything else I can do/try to help him before then? I was thinking of purchasing gripe water but babies under a month old aren’t supposed to consume it. Thanks!