Getting stuff off my chest....


I have a anxiety disorder and have most of my life. It has been worse since the sexual abuse I suffered from my step dad. But I usually cope with it really well and haven’t had to be on meds to help with it until recently. Through therapy I have found ways to cope. Well over the past couple months it’s become so much worse. I’m developing compulsive behavior due to my anxiety. I’m 34 weeks pregnant and it got to the point my doctor put me on a low dosage of meds to help. They did nothing but I don’t want anything stronger while pregnant. My therapist wants me to go get a psyc exam soon after the baby is born. I already have a 16 month old daughter and I feel like the worst mother because I struggle more than ever now. My therapist thinks they might want to institutionalize me for awhile because of how quickly my disorder is developing recently. I’m honestly scared to death they are going to take my children away from my fiancé and I because of my mental health. I also have depression and PTSD. I have always taken amazing care of my daughter. She has never suffered because of my mental illnesses. I always put her before myself. She’s always clean, Fed, and happy. I just want to be a good mom for my girls. I’m trying to hard to get better and learn to deal with my issues. I’ve been crying almost every night after I put my daughter to sleep because I feel like her and her soon to be sister deserves so much better than me.