New baby & marriage

Has having a child affected your marriage? I feel like ever since my daughter was born, my husband and I argue nonstop. There’s no love or affection. We haven’t had sex in almost a year. It feels like we have this hatred and anger towards each other. We’ve just both been a lot more stressed adapting to our new life as parents and juggling crazy work schedules and I think we take our stress out on each other. I don’t feel supported, i ask him to help me with the baby and he gets mad but yet he’s really good with her when he has her. But I need help and he doesn’t get it. He thinks I do nothing all day. My nothing means getting up and getting my daughter ready, packing all of her stuff, all of my school stuff, lunch, pump accessories, dropping her off at my moms and going to graduate school all day, picking her up, coming home, bathing her & play with her and feed her and try to do homework and laundry and cleaning and I can go on and on. But I do “nothing”, because I don’t work. I “sleep in” and it “must be so nice” because he wakes up at 5:30am and i wake up at 6:30am. I’ve tried talking to him over and over and it gets me nowhere. We just don’t see eye to eye on so much. We had our arguments before becoming parents but it was never like this, this is every single day. It’s the same conversation every single day, how I need him to help me when he gets home and it starts a huge argument. He’s always busy with work or doing stuff outside and never has time for us I feel. His response is “how do you think I feel. I’m the one who has to do it” I get that he’s working hard now because I’m still in school and I appreciate him supporting us, but I just wish it would get easier. I know other men come home from work and still help their wife and play with their kids. To be fair, I’m not always nice to him either. I have a lot of anger towards him and I definitely unleash my stress into him. Everything he does wrong, I yell at him for. I have a lot of trust issues because of him, he’s hurt me a lot emotionally and psychologically in the past. But I forgave him and chose to move on, it’s just not easy to forget. In return, I’m mean to him and “micro manage” him and of course that just causes more arguments and tension. does it get better or are we just destined for a failed marriage? :(