Boyfriend Talking To Ex


My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 4 years, at the beginning of our relationship I told him it made be really uncomfortable and anxious that he was talking to his ex so he had promised that if or when she ever texted him he would ask if it was ok and told me their conversation and made sure I was okay. I don’t want to control him at all but recently he had been showing me something on his phone and she popped up on Facebook messenger so usually he would say something but he just swiped it away and continue to show me the video. He knows I have access to his messenger just an FYI so I was curious if they were still talking I wasn’t going to look at their conversation just wanted to know if it like everyday. But he had deleted the conversation, HE NEVER DELETES ANYTHING! So now I’m very worried, don’t know how I want to bring this up.

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Straight up ask him. And tell him you saw her name pop up and that you didn’t see the conversation there anymore. He shouldn’t be deleting any type of conversation with her if he’s not hiding anything. Trust your gut. Always!


Jess • Feb 8, 2019
I will!


Posted at
Honestly I’d just leave. I don’t deal with sketchy people.


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That’s like super suspicious.... Either confront him or leave.