could I have endometriosis?


I know this is a dumb question, I need to be diagnosed and I plan on getting to a gynecologist really soon because I’m just at a loss. I posted in a different group about this and found no help...

I’m 19 currently and I started having sex at 14, I met a boy in school and we ended up being together for three years. in that time we had sex (obviously) a lot. it was USUALLY very painful. if I’m on my back I have little to no pain but if I’m on my stomach, bending over, standing up, on top etc. I experience pretty extreme pain. sometimes bearable, but still very painful. I never knew why, I looked it up years ago and it said I could have a short cervix? I just left it at that for this long. it made enough sense to me when I was younger so I didn’t dig deeper online or say anything about it.

now, five years later, everything is changing and has gradually gotten worse and worse. I went to google this morning because I noticed my uterus area was bloated (which could be due to my period in a week) but it’s pretty much always bloated and crampy. in the same area I’m seeing the puffiness is the same general area it hurts during sex. google immediately brought up endometriosis and all of the symptoms and facts and I suit all of the symptoms minus maybe two.


before, during and after my period I experience very sharp, shooting rectal pain that lasts for about 10 seconds at a time... it’ll stop for a moment and come right back and there’s no telling how long it’ll last.

under “abdominal” it says “abdominal fullness or cramping” which I have all the time and have complained to my doctor about which he called IBS (I do have near every symptom of IBS and have for years)

nausea and constipation always... again, symptoms of IBS.

spotting blood sometimes after sex and randomly throughout the week after I had sex and then before my period. my doctor told me I could be experiencing failed pregnancies but I have no way of knowing that.

and of course the very, very painful sex and painful periods.

I’m not looking for somebody to diagnose me by any means. I guess I’m just looking for advice until I get to the doctor. how did you know you had endometriosis? does it sound like I could have it as well? how do you go about talking w your gynecologist about it? for years I’ve set it aside as I had a short cervix but now looking into it today, I don’t think that’s the case.

thank u. sorry this is rambly and paranoid sounding. I’m just unsure.

(just to add something else, I know infertility is a sign of endo and I don’t mean to be offensive when I say this... I had sex for three years w the same person without a condom and never got pregnant. ovulating, not ovulating, it didn’t matter. I’ve now had sex w my current boyfriend quite a lot in the last year without a condom and have never gotten pregnant and we’ve discussed the possibility that one of us might be unable to have children... but this just makes it even more real...)