Am I being overly dramatic? Or is it ok to feel bummed out?

I turn 25 this week. I have had, so far, 24 terrible birthday experiences. Some back story (really long I'm sorry!):

I only had maybe 2 or 3 birthday parties when I was too little to remember. I had great parents but I was also the last of 3 kids & my siblings are muchhh older, so my parents were kinda "done" with the whole raising a kid thing by the time they got to me. My birthday always fell in the beginning of winter break, we drove to grandmas house in Florida each year, about a 2 day drive for us, so most years my bday was spent sitting in a car for 12hours. Then when I got older, there always seemed to be a blizzard on my birthday weekend, so my parents would not drive anywhere or allow me to leave the house. My friends usually went out without me. Then I started dating, emotionally abusive men, who always seemed to ruin my birthday or just straight up forget it lol.

I now live with my boyfriend of 1.5 yrs (great guy but kind of clueless when it comes to emotions), and my parents have retired to Florida. I get to see each of them once or twice a year. This year it's been unusually warm, def no blizzards, and my mom just happened to be coming to NY this week. She was going to spend the week at my sister's house, but I reminded her it was my birthday and asked her to spend the day with me. We planned a whole day of going out to lunch, tattoo shop, and dinner with my brothers family. I was so excited, until I woke up this morning to a text saying my mom wasn't feeling well and had to cancel.

I was so upset. I cried a little. I told my bf my stories of how I've never had actual plans for my bday that went through. I didnt wanna get out of bed. Just laid there snuggling with my dog for a while. Then I hear my bf talking to his mom in the kitchen, telling her to put back the meat she took out to defrost for dinner tonight. I heard him say "make that tomorrow, were going out to eat tonight." I was lowkey so happy that he was going to do something special for my bday to make me feel one has ever done anything special for me like that without me asking, definitely my first ever birthday surprise! I went out to my tattoo appointment and came home kind of excited, hoping we'd be going out for my bday. My bfs mom was in the middle of painting a bedroom and my bf was asleep on the couch. I waited till like 7 and woke him up to say hi I'm home. I told him the time and he went back to sleep. Hes still sleeping now. I know its dumb and he didnt promise me anything but I'm still kinda bummed out.

...also I guess I'm ordering pizza for dinner tonight 🤷‍♀️