Someone please help!


My son is 9months old and still wakes up 3 or 4 times a night. I can’t take it anymore. I’ve looked on sleep training sites for information but to get all the info they want money and I’m not sure they’re going to tell me anything I don’t already know. I’ve tried cio with going in and comforting in intervals (Ferber method I think) and I can’t get past 30 minutes bc I hate to hear my son cry. I also can’t put him to sleep if he’s drowsy bc he has a meltdown. I feed him and he’ll fall asleep in my arms and then I transfer him to the crib no problem, but I know this isn’t the “right way” Please just tell me what to do to get him to sleep. What has worked for you? Should I pay the money to finish reading the info on the websites?? I just need some sleep.