Friendships fade out


Y’all how do I end this friendship gracefully?!

I’ve been friends with this girl since we were in middle school, high school and college but we haven’t seen each other in 10 years.

I guess she’s always been more of a quantity over quality type person with friends where as I’m happy to have one ride or die best friend vs 30 casual friends.

In the past, I made tons of decisions that put our friendship first and I felt she didn’t really reciprocate. We called each other best friend and for me she was but I guess looking back she prob had ten other “best friends”.

Now, we are in our 30s and both married and living in other states. She invited me to her out of state wedding but I didn’t go due to work, and that a lot of her guests reminded me of the past and it’s not really happy memories. Now years later she still calls several times a month. I rarely answer and I don’t call her unless it’s to return a call or to send a text saying “sry can’t talk now” ...

Basically in short we have grown apart and don’t hVe much to talk about I feel the friendship is a chore and also reminds me of some things from the past that I’d rather move forward from. I feel bad and it’s not like she did any one thing that hurt me I’m just wanting to move on and she won’t take the hint! Is it better to answer a call and explain or try to continue the “fade out”? I don’t wanna end things on a bad note... I’m just over it.