Do you believe in parents punishing their kids for their grades?

I’m just really pissed right now and needed to see if anyone else felt the same so hear me out. I have straight A’s except for one class and today I found out I got accepted into all honors classes next year, so I was very excited. But then my mom brought up my homework grade (excluding tests) was a 78% in a class because we had just done a unit I wasn’t quite getting. I was doing my best to raise it and was getting 100% on all the homework afterwards, but now I’m just stressed because I’m grounded. The way I see it, I am very motivated to get good grades on my own but when my mom knows this and still decides to punish me, I just feel discouraged and stressed. I get she’s in charge but isn’t the point of punishment to improve a child’s behavior? Instead of helping me improve by teaching me consequence, she’s just making me stressed by adding onto the consequences I already have and not helping me be motivated at all, as I’m motivated for my own reasons. When a parent punishes their kid for grades they worked really hard and tried their best to achieve, it’s like telling them their best isn’t enough. Idk though does anyone feel the same?

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