SO says He Can't Do Our Relationship Anymore Because of Distance

Treasure • Mother to Greyson 💙Aug 2 17 and Gabriel 10 26 19 💙

Long Post, my SO and I have been together for 6 years now and we have an 18 month old son, Greyson. Me and Greyson live together with my grandparents and SO lives with his parents in the same town. I am a stay at home mom and college student.

We have been through a lot in the past few years, I was sexually abused in the past before we met and later SO became an alcoholic right before I found out I was pregnant and he became verbally abusive, rarely physical, and tries to pressure me into sexual things I am uncomfortable with. Now I am in Counceling or trauma therapy trying to push past it and other things I've been through.

Me and Greyson stay the night with him and his parents every weekend unless me or the Baby are sick.

He has been saying that he is always alone and it makes him want to drink more. He says that I'm never around anymore and we barely talk or text at all. He wakes up at 4:30 am to get ready for work and I'm not usually up until 9 or 10 am, whenever the Baby wakes so I sleep through half of his day. But I take care of the Baby and stay up with him all through the night when he is sick and do everything for him. Diapers, feeding, playing, bathing, etc. Even when we are there during the weekend. SO also says that he has been thinking of getting a second job on the weekends so he never has a day off and is never lonely.

I really want to find a way to work things out and fix everything and I feel like I should be doing more to fix it but I don't know how. And I told him this and that I need him to help me because I don't know how to do it myself and he said he doesn't either.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.