Asymmetrical Choroids?


Went in for my Non-invasive pnt today. Everything on our baby is fine, minus the brain. 1 hemisphere is normal, the other is underdeveloped/smaller. I am 12 weeks 4 days. They called it Asymmetrical Choroids. The blood supply to the brain was normal though. Dr said we can have a 16 week scan and see if it resolves. But sometimes it doesn't, said we have to make a decision on whether or not to continue this pregnancy. Idk how I will wait 4 more weeks for another scan to see if it resolves. My husband and I are absolute wrecks. Completely lost on what to do.

Has anyone dealt with anything like this, with the brain? Our first pregnancy was a breeze.


We went somewhere for a second opinion, not even 2 weeks later, and they did another ultrasound - everything was even & FINE. The doctor said she never would have thought there was any asymmetry. My daughter was born perfectly healthy and she is almost 2 years old now 💜