Obsessing about wanting to be pregnant so soon after loss


It’s been 1.5 months since I miscarried at just about 11 weeks. It has been the hardest thing I’ve ever been through, but lately the only thing I seem to want to fill the void is another baby. At first my hubby and I talked about waiting until late spring because I couldn’t fathom anything sooner. And then when the initial hormone drop ended, that changed! I’m currently still waiting for my first period since miscarrying and recently asked about maybe trying sooner. The miscarriage was hard on both my husband and myself, but I figured he’d be ready. With both this past pregnancy and my first with my daughter I had HG and it was awful and I was not myself. Well.. on top of our loss my husband admitted to me that while I’m pregnant he misses his wife because I’m just so ill and so silent, so not present and really just not myself that it’s hard on him. I felt so bad hearing that because he’s so caring and helpful and I want to be there for him more, but I just don’t know how to because I don’t want anything to do with anyone because I’m so sick. So because of all of that and our loss that’s scared him, he doesn’t want to try until late spring like we initially discussed because he wants to relish in the time he has with his happy healthy wife. And this kills me. Not only can I not stop obsessing over when we can get pregnant and wanting a baby now, I also feel so horrible that I treat him that way. I wish I could feel happy waiting, and for whatever reason.. I can’t. I bring up trying again constantly like a child blurting out a secret.. and I know I’m stressing him out. Has anyone been this obsessive? I’m at a loss for how to control my feelings, especially with hearing about so many people becoming pregnant around me. Help! 😭😞