Starting to Freak Out

Lisa • 👧🏼 4 yr old. 👦🏼 2 yr old. Our 3rd 👶🏼 due 8/30. Married 5 yrs.

Omg you guys. I’m 38 weeks on Tuesday and I am starting to freak out! This is my second and I was so calm and on top of everything with my first. I feel like I have nothing ready and don’t know what I’ll do when I go into labor. I’m due on March 5th but the ways things are going and the pain I’m in every night it’s going to be any day now.

Sounds crazy but I want him to come in March so I can plan around him. Silly I know. Baby comes when baby comes. Idk this is more of a nervous rant really. Just idk what outfit to pack and worried about my little girl spending the night away from us. That gets me nervous. I need to zen. Let me know if any of you are freaking out too. Don’t want to be alone.