This is my 29 weeks


Friday I started feeling a lot of pressure while at work. I figured it was probably my body was tired from standing all day at work all week (but that’s just life working in an OR). So I went home and tried to just relax for the weekend, which is only so easy when you have a 4 year old. Well by Sunday the pressure was so bad I could barely walk and was getting period like cramps. Me being a total under reactor was like eh I’ll call the dr in the morning and see if they can get me in after work. Well my fiancé damn near killed me with the glare he gave me. So I gave in and called. “You’re high risk and with your preterm labor history I strongly recommend you going to the hospital now” is what the oncall dr told me.

I get here and the hook me up and sure enough I was having contractions. With my history of having an incompetent cervix they decided to do a transvaginal ultrasound and I had started funneling but it was minimal and still had a good cervical length. Since I was having contractions they started me on Procardia and a betamethasone shot. By 1am I was having stronger contractions that were 5 minutes apart because I had only just had my first round of the Procardia but my second round calmed them down.

Now that I’ve been on the Procardia for over a day my contractions are very weak and over 10 minutes apart. Right now they told me my first goal is to make it to 32 weeks! Then 34 and so on!

So moral of the story is don’t be me! If something doesn’t seem right call! Had I waited I would have regretted it!

If you’re still reading thank you for taking time time! So here’s a little background! This is my third pregnancy and will be my second baby. I lost my first at 21 weeks due to an incompetent cervix. With my second I had a cerclage placed at around 15 and my cervix started funneling around 24 and was hospitalized from 27-30 (I was also given the beta shots for him and I was on Procardia) then after going into labor with him about 2 times after being discharged I had him at 34 weeks. I’m now 29 weeks (due 5/4!) had my cerclage placed at 14 weeks and up until this point everything has been relatively normal and hadn’t had any funneling. I’ve convinced myself that most of my problems during my first two pregnancies had to do with being in an abusive relationship, working nights and not eating well. While they probably did play a role I still have problems.