Depression ?


So I am currently pregnant with baby number three , 23 weeks .

& My other 2 pregnancies were pretty okay as in mentally wise , and well ive never felt like this before and They had given me Meds for Depression .

As I never really had this problem before and well never even Had depression , my mood swings be bad and I Get to the point where I ain't even trying to go out any where.... This honestly isnt me .and was wondering did it ever happen to you like this ?

I am also getting progesterone shots ( makena ) and I am not sure dont want to blame the shot but Ive been getting them with this pregnancy since I had preterm with my Daughter 2nd pregnancy .

I'm afraid of taking these pills but was told this will be the only way to help me with this depression feeling and also after I have the baby so I won't fall in post partum depression...