

So how do you all handle when you husband gets jealous of something with the kids. For us, our son will not sleep for him. He only will if he (son) can see me if dad is holding him and even than it’s a fight. I still hold him for naps. He naps longer and some happier that way. So I have school late one day a week and i get home after what nap time should be but my son will not sleep for his dad. I get his and he out in like 10 seconds. Just now I took my son from my husband because he was not going down for a nap. Husband wait to brush his teeth and when he come back our son was out. My husband was like that just not far. I hold him for an hour when you are at school and he does sleep you come home a grab him and he out before you even set down. And now I hold him for 30 minutes and he would not sleep (was not crying). You take him him and he sleeping before I even get back out.

These is all meant in fun. My husband just really thinks it’s funny.