Weaning 10 month old


Any tips on weaning my baby off the breast? He'll be 10 months tomorrow and he has 2 bottom teeth and 4 top teeth that aren't completely in yet. This is the longest I've breastfed(he gets formula too because I can't pump) any of my children, so I'm kind of torn. We don't plan on having anymore kids 🤞🏽 and I wanted to see if I could go a year. I'm not getting any sleep because he wakes up every few hours to eat, if I give him a bottle instead he'll only drink a few ounces, then will wake up in 2 hours hungry again. His teeth are tearing my nipples up, and he bit me a couple times. When it's time for bed he will not stop crying at night until I breastfeed him. I wanted to wait until he turned 1, but idk if my nipples can take 2 more months of this.

Just because he's so cute and I love this picture 😊