What’s going on?

Okay, so back story: started my first round of clomid 50 mg cd 3-7 late December and based on opks I ovulated around cd 24, (Jan 16) which is considered late. So I go through my 2ww and had some symptoms, even something that I thought was ib (posted it and many agreed it looked like ib) Took several tests and a few had a faint line and others were bfn. So I went to the urgent care for a urine & blood test. They said my urine was negative-which I assumed it would be because I’d already used my fmu and got a faint line before going. So I haven’t heard back from them, called and they don’t have any results to give. As of today I’m on cd 60 and 22days late for glo and 13 for another app i use. I’ve been getting this type of cm for the past week or 2. Could I be pregnant? Could it be an ectopic? Or one that didn’t implant? Is this type of cm considered normal for this point in my cycle?