I cant stand my teacher

So I go to high school next year. This year I have a new reading teacher. She is so controlling. I hate controlling people. Sometimes I feel like I'm about to lose it. She likes to plan out everything that me or my classmates do. We're supposed to write an essay. She wants us to do a plot map, bubble map, T chart, and graphic organizer for a five paragraph essay!!!!!!!! I'm in 8th grade. I don't do five-paragraph essays anymore. I can do a 20 paragraph essay. Not to mention that she made us write about 5 entries on the book we finished reading. That should count as our essay. My class and I tried to express our feelings multiple times, but somehow she turns it around and makes it seem like it's our fault. She told us specifically that "she knew her children were going to college so she wanted to become a teacher". That's not a problem because you have empty nest syndrome. She should stop treating us like babies, or teach some kindergarteners. Where 8th graders. I like to have a challenge. This teacher isn't doing it for me. Do you guys have any advice?