So... my LO isn’t really talking yet

Ozie • At 33 I finally had a little girl who was determined to have me as her mother❤️ born 11-1-16 Zho`Nyla B at 35 I’m awaiting my next miracle baby 09-08-19

My father jokes and says ‘don’t worry, that baby will be talking in 5 years’😒😂

But seriously... 😳 she babbles like she’s having a conversation but no real words are coming out.

We’ve don’t flash cards

Educational toys

Educational apps


We’ve never baby talked her EVER!

She says the basics like


Bye bye



Dante(her brother)

ABC’s 123’s (we’re working on clarity)

Grandma grand daddy

Other than that... nada. She’s in a educare which is a school for babies her age and all the kids are talking while she just sits and she’s really a chatter box at home she just babbles 😩😪

Anyone else having trouble or what should I do?