Mom won't respect boundaries

So I've tried to tell my mom that I don't want her or anyone else to come visit right after the baby is born. I've told her, "I'll tell you when you can come." I've told her this multiple times. And every time I talk to her she says, "let me know when you go into labor so I can come down."

She lives 6 hours away so if she does come to visit, I know she'll be here every day trying to spend time with the baby before she has to leave. But I'm gonna be a new mom trying to figure everything out and also, she isn't the most calming person. In fact, every time I see her, she either fights with someone or stresses me out. So I don't really want her here right off the bat.

She feels like she's being picked on because she's being told to stay away when my husband's parents aren't. They live 30 minutes away so they are closer, but they respect our space. They won't come unless we ask them to. It wouldn't matter how far away they lived, they respect us and our space. My mother just doesn't. The only reason I have to ask my mother to stay away is because she doesn't respect our boundaries.