Young VS "old" parenting...a strange comparison


Not so much a rant as a few things I couldnt have possibly known before but just wanted to share now that I'm "older"....

When I was 19 I had my son. I'm a very straight mom...meaning I dont smoke, no drugs whatsoever, I drink like MAYBE 3 times a year. Ive always just been a homebody that is high on life.

I had my daughter at 24. And another daughter at 26.

I have to say...there is a big difference in parenting at 19 and parenting at 26. The best I can describe it is that its like I appreciate parenting more. Or maybe in a different way.

My son was planned. My daughters were planned. No difference there. But the way im invested in the small things at an older age than I was at 19...idk. Makes me rethink having him so young.

I used to say that i was glad i had him young because I have more energy. And I am...because i was more energetic. But in my mid-late 20s I feel like I have much more appreciation for what a gift it is, especially when theyre small.

I'm 31 now and 9 weeks...cant wait to see if this is again different than in my 20's.

Anyone else out there ever feel like this?