Infant car seat carrier vs convertible 4 in 1 seat


Hello all!

So I was hoping to get some advice/opinions on car seat options. I am 19w3d and my mother and Nana are already looking to buy my husband and I a car seat for our baby girl.

I was looking into the Graco convertible 4 in 1 car seat that grows with the infant so you really only need one car seat for years. I liked that idea because it wouldn’t be spending a couple hundred dollars at least twice on a seat within the first 1-2 years. My issue however, is that the 4 in 1 seats don’t seem to have a carrying option from what I can tell online. (haven’t been able to look in person yet) I thought that could be hard to take the baby in and out each time, especially if you have bags and groceries to carry as well.

Does anyone have the 4 in 1 car seat? Do they actually have a carrier option? Or would you suggest getting an infant carrier and maybe looking for a 3 in 1 style once the baby is too big for a carrier?

Opinions and advice would be wonderful as to this is our first child we are expecting!

Thank you in advance!