Subchrionic bleed

Rhiannon • 💙

So last week I was 7 weeks and 6 days and I went home after a long day of work with little to no spotting. I decided I felt good enough and weather was warm enough to walk my dogs for a longer walk.

Unfortunately when I got back and started making dinner I started bleeding profusely and I started freaking out!

I called my mother whom got me straight away and took me to the ER. After 7 hours of waiting and trying to keep calm because being a basket case wasn't helping and I thought I'd lost skittle. I was grieving the baby in an ER crying my eyes out at a couple that was right across from me playing with their lovely less than a year girl.

The week before I had decided to keep skittle against the baby's contributors wishes. He tried to pressure me into abortion saying any other way the baby would turn out fucked up.

I want to reassure you just because you bleed doesn't mean baby is gone, I didnt pass any clots but found out that it was a subchrionic bleed where my placenta seperated from my uterus and created a blood lining. I was told most pregnancies heal from this as baby grows now that being said I also have had spotting everyday since. And to ease my mind since I walk most the day at work and lift that I need to take 2 weeks vacation to ensure I give us the best chance.

Skittle is the nickname because I need to look at the bright side. I love baby no matter what happens and the father can choose to be in its life and not want me in his that's not my call. I'm here for skittle no one else 💓💓💓