38 weeks 5 days, Signs baby is coming earlier than expected?? *Possible TMI*


Off and on throughout the day my whole stomach gets hard for anywhere between 30 seconds to a minute, nothing consistent, it doesn’t hurt and no back pain or anything , it just feels a bit more uncomfortable when it happens I can feel it tightening and such, and now sorry TMI but went to the bathroom to have a BM and at first it was normal solid like usual and then my stomach started hurting like stinging like it was upset and now my BM is soft and kinda stings?!! With my first all I remember is when I was in the hospital room changing into my gown, I was told to try to go to the bathroom one last time before I got into my bed and got my epidural, so I did and I had a super soft BM and upset stomach! Was it just my nerves that made it be like that last time or could labor and upset tummy be related and my little one may come today??

***Also, when I wiped my front, I had very stretchy slimy looking white and clear discharge, watery too**** started losing pieces of my mucus plus last weekend and it was more like snot and mucus other than slimy (sorry) looking and feeling!!

sorry for all the butt talk lol 😂😂 but we’re all miserably pregnant and I don’t think anything could TMI anymore 😂😂