6 month old no fever, wet cough, runny but sometimes dry nose

Hello mama's!

So I have a 6 month old baby girl and the past 6 days, shes been coughing and it sounds wet. I've been putting her under a steam, humidifier has been on, I use nasal drops and it has been helping alot the last few days. She had low grade fever few days ago. Today no fever whatsoever. But today, she sounds congested, like a lot of mucus but once i use the nose Frida, I can barely get anything. Its like dried up in her nose. But when she coughs, it sounds so wet. And I could hear her as if she's having a hard time breathing. Is it time to go to the doctor yet?

This morning when she woke up, she seems better. But now, towards the end of the night, she literally started to sound congested and more wet cough.

Thank you so much! Desperate FTM here. 😭