Can’t believe the cashier said this.

Izzy • 👶🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻 🌈👶🏻

So tonight I was at the store picking up some pregnancy test because me and my SO are ttc for baby number 2! So I’m all happy ready to go home and take some test because I’m already 4 days late! As the cashier was ringing me up she goes “uh oh did someone have an accident” my face got hot and red I was so mad! My response was “NOPE, we’re trying for baby number 2” paid and left without saying another word. I get that she was just trying to make conversation but that’s not something you say to someone! You never know their life story.

Here’s a picture of us, hopefully we’ll be expanding our family by one ❤️

Edit- lol I don’t know why glow edited this when I was asking people to stop telling me not to have emotions like that’s rude and thanking and appreciate everyone’s stories in response to this one? But again thank you to everyone and I’m also so sorry for everyone’s awkward/horrible encounters with cashiers! ❤️