7 years old going on 13?! ATTITUDE

What the heck happened, over night almost is like my oldest daughter turned into a hormonal teenager. My kids have always been obedient and loving.... today was INSANE. My daughter looked me in the eye directly disobeyed me, kept disobeying me and telling me flat out NO she wasn’t going to go upstairs. She kept telling me she didn’t have to listen to me like WHAAAAT?!!! I took away privilege after privilege, and ultimately had to threaten her that I would physically take her upstairs if she didn’t obey! Finally she went upstairs after rolling her eyes. But what gives?! She turns 7 in a couple weeks and her behavior has been getting worse and worse and more moody and moody! (Yes I’ve talked to her in the calm times to see if there’s anything impacting her behavior, if something is happening at school, here at home, etc, and so far I’ve got nothing from her) she’s just MOODY, disobedient, and back talking constantly. None of my other kids are like this 👀 Any advice or can any other moms of older girls relate?

(Also just to cover my bases so I don’t get pointless advice this is a non hitting household, so I won’t be sparking or anything to correct this behavior).